<aside> 💡 These guidelines are specifically for ‘chat-with-your-data’ mode in Copilot. These guidelines are based on our experience with current LLM like Gpt-4o and Gpt-3.5 among others. Please share your experience and help us make it better.


Important concepts

Increase Accuracy by following these Steps below

Step 1) Describe your Table and Column names

Alter table Service comment "*Also known as Database or DB cluster*..... "

One simple way to get started to create a description for your table is using the Copilot. For instance, you could ask :

select a few rows from <yourTableName>, develop an understanding. Then, output : (1) other common names for this table (2) a succinct 2-3 sentence description for this table.

Then, tweak this description. Also include other important semantics like its relationships.

Then, add this description as the Table comment. You have to use a SQL client to do this. Copilot is not authorized to do any mutation of your DB.